Monday, January 25, 2010

10 Tips - If Not Right On the WLAN Radios

If the PC or the laptop will not build or just a slow connection to the wireless router to help further these ten tips.

1. Wi-Fi adapter test
The WLAN module in the PC or laptop must be properly installed. Dipping the component on the Device Manager under "Network" without the exclamation point, everything is in order.

2. Enable Wi-Fi adapter
+ ) deaktivieren." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">For notebooks can the radio module by a switch on the housing and / or a keyboard shortcut (usually disable + ). Look, therefore, whether the WLAN is active in the laptop: The WLAN LED lights on the notebook casing must.

3. Wi-Fi switch on the router
Even in many routers, you can turn off the radio - by a switch in the configuration menu, or even scheduled. Thus there are routers and adapters, must therefore also on the router, the WLAN LED light to indicate that the radio is active.

4. Richtigen WLAN standard to use
True, 11n Router with 11g and 11b adapters are compatible - but only if you have the matching set in the router menu. Choose the "Network Mode", select "Mixed" or set to "N + G + B".

5. Closer to go to the router
In poor radio quality failure between the router and adapter, the device often already at the negotiation of a connection. To do so with the wireless adapter so close to your router that the devices have on a spark gap of about two to four meters line of sight.

Wlan Tips 6 to 10

6. Refresh network list
Sometimes it takes even with proper network setup a bit, until the WLAN adapter's SSID overheard by the router. Therefore, a few times to update the list of found networks. In Vista, run over the right icon with two arrows in Win XP, click on the left side update on the "Network List".

7. Check password entry
A clerical error when typing the password prevents the wireless connection. Windows displays it on the command is not in plain text: In Vista, you must "Show characters" checkbox below the input field. To remove a tool such as helping Pants Off.

8. IP address assigned automatically
Even if the WLAN is available, maybe a connection can not. Possible Cause: The IP addresses of routers and adapters are not compatible. The router should have DHCP enabled: then automatically applies the WLAN adapter's address.

9. Mac filter disable
Apart from an incorrect password, an access restriction may also prevent the router that it makes contact with the adapter. Clear, therefore, the MAC address filters.

10. New drivers, new firmware
If the connection is not stable, possibly creating a new driver for the adapter or a new firmware for the router help.

How do I protect my home network?

Over time computers become outdated. People then start looking for a newer and faster model. The old computer is then given away to others. But there are also people who like to keep using your old computer. This requires a home network set up. This article describes a number of points to secure your home network.

What is a home network?
A home network is a network where (one or) several computers which are connected together using an Internet connection. The design of the home network depends on the number of computers and what to do with the home network. This article describes two examples of a home network. In the first instance between the Internet and one or more home computers, a firewall or a router placed. In the second example is the design of the first example uses, but also provide a wireless network.

Setting up a home network requires some technical knowledge of computer networks. The so called "IP Address" is one of the technical terms used in this article requires some explanation. More information about this in the article "What is an IP address?".

If your a home network device, allow any computer on your home network with a unique IP address. Any home user can use them a special reserved IP address range, or 'private' IP addresses listed. If everyone on same home network using private IP addresses, there are home computers using IP addresses in use by other computers. The IP address is not unique.
Therefore the private IP addresses on your home network are translated into a 'public' IP address, which is unique on the Internet. The public IP address assigned to you by your ISP. Using a firewall and / or router, it is possible to a public IP address for multiple private IP addresses of your home computers. It is not necessary to any private IP address to translate into a unique public IP address.

The firewall / router
The term firewall (firewall) comes from the world of fire. The firewalls were not designed for the fire to leap from house to house. The firewall on the computer to avoid the dangers of jumping from one computer to another.


A firewall performs the function of gateway to a computer or computer network and works much like a porter. The firewall looks at all network traffic in or out of it. Of importance here are the rules to determine where traffic should keep to themselves. Using these rules, the firewall, like a well trained concierge, suspicious or unauthorized network traffic against. Also, like a porter, the firewall keeps a record of the visit. Because the firewall separates the home computers and the Internet, you can at a central location for multiple home computers draw lines where traffic must keep to themselves.

If between the Internet and home computers is no firewall running, you can also called a "personal firewall" on every home computer sites. A "personal firewall" is a software product, as an extension of the operating system is installed.
Many personal firewalls are free to download from the internet. Many of these programs are also professional versions for sale. You need this for home use but not to buy. The free versions are stripped or programs but meet perfectly.

The router
A router acts as a bridge between different networks. In our example a router is the bridge between your home network and the Internet. The router makes sure that the IP address of your home computer can communicate with other computers on the Internet. Like the firewall router has a sort of a "portier' function. The door-funcitie of a router is different from that of the firewall. The difference between a router and a firewall is similar to the letter sent by mail. A router looks at the IP address of the recipient of the movement (in postal terms: the address of the letter) and to determine whether the traffic to and from that IP addresses should be blocked. A firewall examines the contents of the traffic (the contents of the letter) and determines whether the traffic based on the content should be blocked.

There are general rules, and that are useful on a firewall or router up. Example of a general rule:

* Ensure that all traffic that starts from a computer on the Internet to your computer stopped. In this way, "intruders" not just come in on your computer.

But beyond the general rules there are specific rules that depend on how a user handles a home computer on the Internet. Most firewall software helps you by asking you for certain "movement" to a rule set. Examples of specific rules:

* Your email program may contact the mail server of your provider.
* Your anti-virus program should contact the network of anti-virus software, the program update.

Today there are routers for sale that can be used as a firewall. These routers are a good solution for your home network to separate from the Internet. There are also routers that an "access point" that include a wireless network can be connected to the router.

Securing a wireless network
Wireless internet is plenty on the break. Besides the many hotspots that appear more and more computer users take the decision to install a home wireless computer network.


Unfortunately, we find that WiFi on the field of security desired. Consider a WiFi network as a remote network and therefore NOT safe. If you have a wireless network to a wired infrastructure links, please note that you place a firewall at this link. Choose this for a good solution, such as a router with firewall.

Often these firewalls you manually set. You must have a prior set of rules together. When a computer sends or receives data traffic that does not comply with the established rules of the firewall, the traffic is stopped or stored in a file on the computer.

Other protective measures
By using a firewall and a separation between the LAN and the wired network, many problems can be stopped. But that does not mean that all problems are solved it. The filtering of a firewall or router will not be able to hold everything. It remains important to use an anti-virus program that always has the latest updates. It is also necessary for the programs you use regularly update. This way you prevent your home computer is infected if, for example a website with a virus, visit.

What is an IP address?
An IP address stands for Internet Protocol' address. Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP address. An IP address is comparable to the combined address and postcode. The address and zip code is a unique combination used to receive such mail. You use the address and zip code as the sender of letters you send to others, so the recipient knows who the letter came.

The IP address of a computer is used to communicate with other computers. If you from your home computer via a browser to visit your favorite Web page, use the IP address of the home computer.

Your home computer sends a request to the computer because on the Internet, also called "web server" called, where your favorite page is. This request includes the IP address of the webserver (in postal terms: the address of the recipient of the letter) and the IP address of your computer (the sender of the letter).

The web server then knows which computer to send and receive Web willt the web so back to the IP address of your home computer (the recipient of the reply to the letter) with the sender's IP address of the server (the sender of the reply to the letter).

An IP address consists of four numbers separated by points, eg 62,112,232,132.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Universal Wireless Network

Bluetooth is a wireless telecommunications system that all types of devices - including computers - with each other networks. WLAN is not, something else. The best description is that of PAN or Personal Area Network. We tested several Bluetooth devices and look especially at how well (or how poorly) the various brands together.
A WLAN or wireless network is limited to wirelessly connect computers via an Ethernet-like solution. Bluetooth comes from the more traditional
communications industry and is on a microwave-based wireless high-speed transmission. This technology is promoted by an impressive collection of companies that constitutes one or SIG
'Special Interest Group' form. Companies like Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba are among the roaring names make it up.
The big problem with many smaller devices with built-in communication services is that so far no truly universal and decent way to achieve them together information to
exchange in a PAN or Personal Area Network. We had specific physical features that are not necessarily enable and configure each device on board had to make the necessary
not to mention software.

It is envisaged that Bluetooth put an end to it (also read: File Interfaces, Bluetooth). It is not just a communications standard, but also a standard on
communication protocol and formats of wireless data exchange.
Bluetooth defines the simultaneous or separate transmit and receive voice and data in the frequency band 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz (2.45 GHz normal for our country and this frequency band is normally
Reserved for ISM applications - which stands for "Industrial Scientific and Medical" or industrial, scientific and medical). Bluetooth creates a purpose of its kind which netwerkje
maximum eight devices can occur. The first device to a Bluetooth network 'start' the master of that network, other devices than slaves.
Within a Bluetooth network can communicate from point to point (between two specific devices) or a multipoint connection up (from the master to all slaves). You may
transmission rate exceeding 1 Mbit / s (usually less) and expect the maximum range is officially 50 meter USB units and 10 meter for most PC Cards, but you take from us
that you do not reach 50 meter, especially inside buildings where walls and various obstacles in the road.
Despite the presence of other microwave sources you generally within the normal working distance of several meters of any interference in the signal down. This has to do with the
Bluetooth fact that sixteen times a second frequency varies in a range of 79 channels is a problem somewhere, then just turn it on that channel. Elegant and simple.

In a Bluetooth network may occur in virtually all devices capable of communication. This includes mobile phones, PDAs, like images and video cameras, headsets (which are combinations of a
headset and a microphone), printers and print servers, modems, remote controls, electronic keys and what you store more can imagine. Of course there are also PC cards for notebooks
and expansion cards (PCI or USB) for PC's Bluetooth connectivity to those computers to deliver.
In this case we have a whole range of Bluetooth products requested so we can let you know as much as possible. The basis of any communication, the Bluetooth device for pairing
a point-to-point connection. Once the pairing is established, the paired devices each state what services they offer and support. If a joint service
can be agreed, through which service data can be exchanged. If no service is common, one of the departments may still serve. In the worst case two
equipment more involved, but they each other's services do not 'see' and then any further communication impossible.

If you think a Bluetooth card behaves like a traditional network, then think again. There is not really meant for. You need the system more as a wireless version
the infrared port rather than as a traditional Ethernet network. However it is sometimes possible. Then the producer shall ensure that a Bluetooth adapter in your network configuration
is bijgeplakt. They can then as a regular network with the desired order via NetBEUI network protocols, TCP / IP or IPX between Bluetooth computers or notebooks to networks.

We view the various functions of Bluetooth devices and especially pay attention to interoperability. The following types of devices are discussed:

- Bluetooth Adapters
- Bluetooth mobile phones (cell phones) and PDAs
- Bluetooth printers
- Bluetooth cameras
- Bluetooth headsets

Open the various categories in the contents of the file you pass to the right of this article find.
Despite promising on paper specifications of Bluetooth, the technology appears in practice often only good usable between devices of the same brand. Mixing different brands of equipment we, then it is soon a big mess. PCs and notebooks and related peripherals via Bluetooth mixing is usually much better. As we see it, Bluetooth still many teething problems overcome.

Advantages and disadvantages of Wireless LAN

An important advantage of a wireless LAN is the flexibility. It is easy to expand a wireless network for multiple workstations, because no wiring need to be constructed. Users can independently of the location of the network connection work or move within range of the wireless network. The Access Points, which are called cells, may overlap. There is always the best cell chosen. The number of cells to increase capacity may be increased. It may no longer than 3 overlapping cells.

There are also drawbacks. The radio has influence on the energy, which plays a role especially in laptops. It is therefore desirable laptop to connect to the mains. The Wi-Fi radio waves reach outside the building, which authorization is important, so not just any user access to the network. Wi-LAN provides encryption with 40 or 128 bits, from various reports show that safety is not optimal by security holes.

The health of wireless telecommunications is often discussed, in particular the radio frequency radiation from mobile. The fact is that a Wi-Fi uses much less power than a cell phone, about a factor of 10 to 20 lower. Moreover, the transmitter is not next to your ear like a mobile phone is the case.

The cost of a Wi-Fi network is still quite high, about fl 2500, - for a base station and fl 500, - for a Wireless LAN PC Card. A PCMCIA card is again slightly more expensive than a PC card. It may be saved on cabling costs. The cost compared to fixed network is not perfect, a wireless network provides more functionality as a wired network has a higher speed.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Broadband Internet

Broadband Internet is increasingly important for both businesses and individuals. Many of the businesses and households with a permanent broadband internet connection, but the dekkning conventional techniques such as cable and DSL is still not 100%. WiFi4all can help deliver broadband Internet almost anywhere. ADSL and SDSL addition we also provide complete wireless networks that enable a wide range of broadband Internet to remote dwellings for example supply.

Through Access Points and to place a central antenna for each customer to place broadband internet can be offered to multiple clients. This technique is not only used in outdoor areas where no DSL / cable is possible, but also in villages and towns where DSL or cable is present. Offering wireless Internet is not only lucrative if no alternatives are available. Wireless connections that are using modern technology (802.11a / n or special protocols), effective bandwidth per customer reach of more than 10 Mbps up / down which additional services like Voice over IP (VoIP) and television possible.

WiFi4all has several years experience in establishing and maintaining a wireless network for broadband internet. WiFi4all does much work for Wireless Betuwe, an organization in several villages in Gelderland Betuwe wireless broadband internet offers to individuals and businesses. WiFi4all multiple networks has also been built abroad.

WiFi4all is the appropriate partner in developing and managing the wireless broadband internet network that you have in mind.


Wireless networks can be a good alternative to conventional technologies such as ADSL and fiber to provide broadband Internet to individuals and businesses. The construction of a wireless network is very cost effective and is therefore well the perfect solution for such areas or remote areas.

Design of Wireless LAN

A wireless LAN generally begins with an Access Point.
This is a base station, a sort of wireless hub that is connected to the wired network. The laptop computers have a fixed or wireless LAN card (eg PCMCIA, PCI or USB). Multiple Access Points are connected while roaming is possible (transition from one access point to another).

Friday, January 22, 2010

What is Wireless-LAN

With Wi-Fi lets you build a wireless network. Places where wireless LANs are built include small to medium enterprises and universities, although more consumers to choose a home Wireless LAN. The need for computers in a fixed location to build a wireless network is not very large, though this is an exception for listed buildings or businesses which involve a property where no wiring is present. Even companies with flexible workplaces, where workers with their own laptops to choose a place more likely to choose a wireless network. Course is also a possible combination with both fixed and wireless workstations within a network.

The radio of a wireless-LAN connections are made in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, the zogemaande ISM band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical). There are no licenses required, the transmission power ranges from 30 to 100 mWatt. A wireless LAN uses the so-called spread spectrum technology, designed for storing sensitive transmission channels. This is important because this frequency band is used by many other devices, including Bluetooth for example.

A wireless network is generally a lot slower than a wired network. A fixed network usually has a speed of 10 or 100 Mbps, while the even faster Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps) is in strong demand. A wireless network according to the (IEEE) 802.11b standard has a top speed of 11 Mbps. In practice, however, that speed is much lower, because the speed terugschakeld depending on the circumstances. The 802.11b supports the following rates: 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps. With a bad connection or distance from the Access Point is the speeds dynamically switched back, as the following illustration.

That rate will then apply however to all users connected to the Access Point. So, as one of the Access Point notified users are between 70 and 90 meter, turn the speed not only for that user, but also for all other users notified back to 1 Mbps. Because the speed of a Wi-Fi is not ideal for all applications by new standards. The following table shows the standards.

Wireless LAN Standards
Default Speed Description
802.11 2 Mbps First version, standardized in 1997.
802.11b 11 Mbps approved late in 1999, led to rapid acceptance. Despite standardization was not forthcoming that equipment from different manufacturers can communicate. Therefore, the WLAN standardization drawn.
802.11a 54 Mbps This standard is increasingly used, but the products are still expensive.

Wireless Network - Launched in Five Steps

Wireless networks are hot. Indeed, as notebooks and netbooks desktop computer ever know to crowd the need for a "wireless" infrastructure bigger and bigger. In hotels, airports and other public buildings if they expect users to wireless internet. So why not in your office?

A wireless network not only provides more flexibility for your employees, it is also cheaper, because no wires need to be constructed. This article shows you how to design a wireless network and how to organize for Windows Vista wireless to work. Because Windows Vista supports Wi-Fi technology standard, you will notice how easy and one other in his works.

Bedraad netwerk met modem en router

Step 1 - Broadband Supply
This article starts from a small office consisting of a number of PCs and notebooks equipped with the Business or Ultimate Edition of Windows Vista.
First, there are a broadband internet connection. In the Netherlands we have the choice of providers, all via either ADSL or cable internet in your entry. The Internet also provides a corresponding modem.
Broadband Supply

The network (now blue) comes from the modem and connects to the Ethernet jack of the computer.

On the one hand is connected to the ADSL or cable, often found in the meter cupboard. On the other side of the modem is an ethernet connection, in a traditional (wired) network environment is connected to a computer or a router. The router acts as a distribution unit, so more than one computer to the modem can be connected.


The ethernet cable has an ethernet plug on both sides.

The cable network is always one, sometimes referred to as CAT5 or CAT6. Such a cable on either side has an Ethernet connector, see picture. Note: You may have a modem via a USB cable to your computer is connected. These USB modems are not suitable for wireless networks, modems with only one Ethernet connection are eligible.

Step 2 - Access point
The situation described so far is typical for a wired network. A wireless network is also known as a Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) or WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) network. In such a wireless network is all about the so-called access point. This device converts the signals into network radio signals. The access point has one or two antennas and is (just like the wired computers) connected to the router via a network. The image below shows the new configuration shown. There are now three computers that communicate wirelessly.

Uitbreiding met access point

Expansion of access point
Some access points also have a wired Ethernet connections for connecting to a PC or notebook and a built-in modem. Such a device is indicated as "wireless broadband router.

Met een wireless broadband router ziet de draadloze infrastructuur er nog eenvoudiger uit

With a wireless broadband router is the network simpler, see below. Based on the picture you can see how an existing wired network, a wireless network. If desired, the wired computers also communicate wirelessly, so the structure is simpler. Note that in that case you can save considerably on the construction and installation of wired network connections. The condition is that the computers equipped with WLAN-dedicated hardware.

Step 3 - WLAN hardware in PCs and notebooks
Modern notebook computers and even smaller netbooks are equipped with WLAN hardware, which at least meets the IEEE 802.11b or 802.11g or 802.11n standard. Will you still use an older notebook without these facilities, then you can use a PC Card or PCMCIA Card purchase. This card is the expansion slot of the notebook aside, but remains part of the computer stabbing, which was part of the antenna.

Wireless LAN card voor inbouw in een desktop pc

With a PC Card allows you to fit an old model notebook WLAN
A desktop PC, you can use a wireless LAN card to connect wirelessly with the access point. After installing a card puts it at the back a computer from the antenna.

Step 4 - Activating WLAN
After the above steps are completed it is time to activate the wireless network. There is a substantial difference between the activation of a network with an access point and a wireless broadband router. In the first case, all components of the network simply turn on, but the network is built around a wireless broadband router, then this router may only be enabled once the software is first installed. This software on any PC installed. This PC will thus play a central role within the network:

* Users of the network can store their files on this PC
* On the PC directly to a printer connected, where everyone can use.

Lampjes aan voorzijde van een wireless broadband router (Experia box)

The installation of the software shall be as follows:

1. Insert the CD or DVD that came with the router into the PC.
2. Follow the installation process, Windows Vista supports you with this. Thus, a large number of standard Windows Vista-certified drivers on board. If the supplied software driver a special offer, or receive this preference, if it is Vista-certified. If not, select the driver provided by Windows.
3. Turn after the installation process the wireless broadband router.
4. Make sure the correct lights are lit on the wireless broadband router. Usually there are four. The figure refers to the three lights left and one right (the lights in the center include four wired connections to PC's). The meaning of the indicators is as follows:
* Power - the unit is switched
* Ok ADSL - there is signal from the ISP
* Online - it is connected to the Internet, this LED is off if you manually configure the router. Refer to the supplied manual.
* Wi-Fi - LAN enabled.

Step 5 - Users create wireless connection
First, ensure Internet Explorer on the PC or notebook using a dialup connection. If so, then that should be eliminated:

1. Start Internet Explorer
2. > Internetopties" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Choose Tools> Internet Options
3. Click the Connections tab (Connections)
4. Enable the option Never dial a connection (Never dial a connection)
5. Close the window with OK and restart Internet Explorer.

It is now possible to connect to a wireless access point or the wireless broadband router. Many laptops have a button on the front, which presses the WLAN hardware switch. Note: If you are not using the WLAN, then turn the knob again to save battery energy.

1. Click the Windows Start
2. Select Connect
3. Choose Wireless Rear View
4. Windows Vista searches for wireless networks in your area
5. Select the appropriate network and click Connect
6. When prompted for a password, enter the encryption key of the router (see Article Wireless - In five steps protected).

Through the wireless network to access files, you need the PC (s) as server (s) acting in your "shared folders" enabled. Here's how:

1. Start the 'server' Windows Explorer
2. Open the folder you want to share or create a new folder
3. Right-click the folder and select Sharing
4. Select the people you want to share the folder and give it permission level
5. Click the Sharing option.

Windows creates the folder now capable of using a network. Instead of using a PC as a server, you can also buy a special network drive, and it directly (via an ethernet cable) to connect the access point or router.